Monday, August 18, 2008

Level 1 - Rosie Rushton

This is the space for submitting reviews of Rosie Rushton's books (just click on 'Comments').
Rosie Rushton is a very popular English author who writes for teenagers. Her most popular books are the 'What a Week' series, featuring Holly, Tansy, Cleo and Jade. The Library has most of these and her new book called Secret Schemes, Daring Dreams.


Charlotte Cole said...

The book that I've been reading is called Does Anyone Ever Listen by Rosie Rushton.When I first started reading this book I didn't really enjoy it as I kept getting mixed up but once I'd read a few pages I realised that it was a different person speaking in each paragraph. After I had found out about this I really enjoyed it. The ending was a bit dissapointing as you didn't find out what happened but but i think if you read the next book in the series then you will possibly find out about it. I would advise my friends to read this book but and I think that they would like it but i'm not certain.
By Charlotte Cole

Erin Bolton said...

The book i was reading this week was called Summer of Secrets. I did not realy enjoy this book because it is not mu kind of book. When I first started the book i thought it was going to be great but as I read on it wasn't very good. The book was quite hard to understand but i got it in the end. I would not like to spoil your views on this book but everyone has different opinions.

megan nicol said...

The book i have been reading is called " Summer of secrets". It is about three girls who all go to the same school. One of the girls , Summer Tilney, her mum died when she was on holiday in america.Caitlin morland goes to italy with summer and finds out more than she wanted to know! This book was quite hard to understand but once i read a few pages i got used to how the book was set out.