Friday, August 15, 2008

Level 3 - Celia Rees

This is the space for submitting reviews of Celia Rees’ books (just click on ‘Comments’).

Celia Rees was born in Solihul, West Midlands. She was a teacher for ten years before she began to write. Her first novel was published in 1993, then in 1997 she began to write as a full-time job.

The Library has many of her books, including Colour Her Dead, Soul Taker, Pirates, Truth or Dare, and Sorceress.

1 comment:

Connor Campbell said...

The Soul Taker by Celia Rees

This book is about a boy callec
Lewis James and he is fat has no friends and no life.
But he meets Viktor Ladslow who owns a toy store.Then he gets the answers to all his problems.